jeudi 17 décembre 2009

Ne dites pas à ma mère que je suis trader chez Goldman...

Elle croit que je suis pianiste dans un bordel.

Sujet évoqué dans les sessions de training chez Goldman Sachs: "Comment parler de Goldman aux membres de votre famille".

Still, Goldman’s tarnished reputation has become a hot topic inside the bank. A few months ago, at a meeting of Goldman’s in-house leadership program, known as the Pine Street Group, the bank’s image came up. The group of 30-odd people wrestled with questions like how to talk to family members about Goldman and its role in the financial world.

Another question that came up was what to do if someone at a cocktail party started criticizing Goldman. Mr. van Praag, who ran the meeting, suggested that the executives should explain how Goldman made its money. But another Goldman executive offered a different answer: change the subject.

Imaginez-vous que vous bossez chez Goldman, quelle solution choisissez-vous?
Si vous bossiez chez GS, que choisiriez-vous?
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