* Charles C. Krulak was commandant of the Marine Corps from 1995 to 1999. Joseph P. Hoar was commander in chief of U.S. Central Command from 1991 to 1994.... we never imagined that we would feel duty-bound to publicly denounce a vice president of the United States, a man who has served our country for many years. In light of the irresponsible statements recently made by former Vice President Dick Cheney, however, we feel we must repudiate his dangerous ideas -- and his scare tactics.
We have seen how ill-conceived policies that ignored military law on the treatment of enemy prisoners hindered our ability to defeat al Qaeda. We have seen American troops die at the hands of foreign fighters recruited with stories about tortured Muslim detainees at Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib. And yet Cheney and others who orchestrated America's disastrous trip to ``the dark side'' continue to assert -- against all evidence -- that torture ``worked'' and that our country is better off for having gone there.
** En effet: où est la condamnation internationale des pratiques américaines? Une condamnation française du "pays des droits de l'homme"? Nous sommes prêts à faire les gros yeux sur la torture à des dictateurs africains mais pas aux Etats-Unis... Sans parler de ceux qui n'ont pas manqué une occasion ces dernières années d'éructer contre un anti-américanisme supposément maladif pour tenter de faire taire la critique. Etre contre la torture et les guerres d'agression basées sur des prétextes mensongers n'est pas une maladie.