vendredi 28 mai 2010

Comment la FED et Wall Street utilise les marchés pour prendre les Etats-Unis et le monde en otage

Pas très fin mais efficace. (via ZH)

Une Sénatrice confie à un administré frustré qu'elle n'a voté pour la reconduction de Bernanke que sous la menace d'un krach boursier:

I was advised that rejecting his nomination would cause markets to nose dive, which would hurt retirees and families saving for their future. I am not enthusiastic in my support.

Un autre sénateur explique en réponse à un autre administré pourquoi cette situation est inacceptable:

While I have heard the concerns of many that the failure to confirm Mr. Bernanke would have damaged the financial markets and jeopardized our economy recovery, I do not believe that anyone, including Mr. Bernanke, is too big to be replaced. We should not hold our economy hostage to the Wall Street threat that total economic collapse is the sure result of not doing everything they want.

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