mercredi 8 octobre 2008


Après la dernière chorégraphie des banques centrales, il semble que plus rien ne peut provoquer ces rallies de 3%+ qui ont été la règle à chaque intervention de la FED depuis la première baisse des taux en septembre 2007.

Les banquiers centraux ont appuyé sur le buzzer "+3%+" tellement de fois qu'il n'a plus aucune efficacité. Nous sommes passés de l'autre côté du mirroir.

1 commentaire:

hubris kills a dit…

Maybe we should post our comments in English to expand our reach. This is a GLOBAL crisis which should call for GLOBAL policy response and therefore GLOBAL blog comments!!!!!!! For instance, Dick Fuld has to be able to read and understand the content of The Blog. Dick, if you read us, please do NOT change anything to your defense strategy; it is sooo entertaining! "I am responsible, I made mistakes but nobody could have done better than me and btw, it is not my fault but the market conditions'. Also Dude, I did not make $450mm on purpose, it was just my stock which was vesting, etc. etc." The guy is amazing... contrition is not part of his vocabulary.