mercredi 17 novembre 2010

Veillée d'armes

ABC News:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that in 2009, nearly 50 million Americans -- 15 percent of U.S. families -- were "food insecure," meaning they were "uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food to meet the needs of all their family members" -- either they didn't have enough money or lacked other resources to buy food. One in 10 families with children worried about food at some point in the year. Between 500,000 and 1 million families were so strapped the children had to go without eating at some point....

The United States is increasingly a safety-net nation, with one in four Americans now enrolled in one of the 15 federal feeding programs. Forty-two million people currently receive monthly benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, more commonly known as food stamps. That's up by 10 million from a year ago....

Feeding America, an organization that runs a nationwide network of food banks and bills itself as "the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity," said the number of people seeking help from its food banks has increased 46 percent over the past four years, from 25 million to 37 million.

Heureusement que l'industrie du luxe atteint des sommets en bourse... Le silence médiatique devant cette abomination est inqualifiable. Where is the fucking outrage? L'absence totale de sens moral doit être l'un symptomes d'une structure de pouvoir en phase terminale. Et le cynisme. Partout. Cette dernière violence peut faire croire que le système est tout-puissant et inébranlable, qu'il va durer mille ans. Bien au contraire, elle symbolise que les règles ont été abolies et qu'il est en fait déjà mort.

Pour ceux qui ne sont pas convaincus par l'utilisation de l'industrie du luxe comme un proxy de la santé du secteur financier, il y a ça via ZH:
In a just released report, New York State's Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli presents his expectations for what is set to be another bumper year for Wall Street. Per the report: "The first quarter of 2010 was among the most profitable on record ($10.3 billion), but in the second quarter profits eased (to $3.8 billion) and were more in line with pre-crisis levels. It appears that profits were relatively modest in the third quarter as well, but 2010 could still be the fourth most profitable year for the securities industry in New York City." Yet here is the most relevant piece: "While it appears that the cash bonus pool will be smaller than last year, the average bonus paid to employees in the securities industry in New York City may be a bit larger, since the pool will be divided among fewer workers given continued staff reductions". Money well earned. So summarizing the report - in a year when US underemployment persists at around 17%, when the US federal debt is at nosebleed levels, when well over 40 million Americans are on foodstamps, when personal bankruptcies are at the highest they have been in 5 years, when GDP is about to turn red again, when America still doesn't have a formal budget, the average banker bonus may be one the biggest ever on record. Peasants - 0; Kleptocrats - 1.

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